Texas Criminal Appeals
Sherman Texas Criminal Appeals Defense Lawyer

Many lawyers have filed Texas criminal appeals, but very few have won any. Texas criminal appeals are very challenging for lawyers because they call upon the academic side of us that often scatters with time since law school if we do not regularly stay active in motions practice and appeals. Less than five percent of Texas criminal appeals stand a chance with a good lawyer, and virtually no chance with a lawyer that is not specialized in criminal law, is willing to and knows how to read an entire record and find every reasonable chance of error to present to a higher court.
Texas criminal appeals first go to an intermediate court of appeals. You do not have a right to appeal your case all the way to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, but you do have the right to ask them to grant discretionary review to hear your case. Thus, a Texas criminal appeal is normally a one-shot opportunity with a panel of appeals judges in Dallas (for cases from Collin and Grayson County) or Texarkana (for cases from Fannin County). If they do not give you relief, we can petition the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to hear your case.
If you hire me for your Texas criminal appeal, I will read the entire record and transcript and find every point of appeal that has a real chance to win and present it to the appeals court. I have won Texas criminal appeals in both Dallas and Texarkana, and have even won them with the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. If you have already been convicted, you cannot afford to hire an attorney who is not Board Certified in Criminal Law with the experience and know-how to win your Texas criminal appeal.
Call Micah Belden now at 903-744-4252 and fight your Texas criminal appeal.