Sexual Assault of A Child and Indecency
Sherman Sexual Assault of A Child and Indecency Defense Lawyer

Sexual assault of a child and indecency charges bring up the most primitive emotions in the public, from law enforcement to juries to the entire justice system. Nothing causes the wagons to rally like a sexual assault of a child and indecency indictment. The state has created a SANE nurse program in which nurses are brought in to testify to diagnoses even though they aren’t qualified because they aren’t doctors. Anything the purported victim says to the child can be admissible as a statement for medical diagnosis or treatment in a sexual assault of a child and indecency trial. A child is taken for a “forensic interview” at CPS in which an incriminating video is created against a defendant. Children are sent for “play therapy” in which unscientific methods are used to create unreliable incriminating evidence against a person accused of sexual assault of a child and indecency.
Sexual assault of a child and indecency prosecution has been refined to an art by law enforcement and prosecutors. You need a board certified criminal defense attorney on your side who can rebut all the phony evidence brought in front of a jury as “proof” in sexual assault of a child and indecency cases, and to tell your story in a compelling way. The Texas legislature has made sexual assault and indecency cases even more daunting with some cases qualifying for a twenty-five to life punishment range with no possibility of parole. You cannot afford to not fight back in a sexual assault of a child and indecency case.
Call Micah Belden now at 903-744-4252 and fight your sexual assault of a child and indecency charges.